Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 4: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

It is safe to say that I have dropped the ball big time on grocery shopping for at least the past week. I have neglected to cook at home and have been horrific in the "planning ahead" department. Luckily, there is Chipotle. Actually, I have been eating out significantly this past week, and making pretty good choices along the way. I use the term "pretty good choices" very loosely, as eating at restaurants usually includes consuming generous portions of excess calories and salt (not to mention hidden sugars). This is technically supposed to be the last week of the slow-carb experiment for me. To tell you the truth, I think things are going fairly well, and in all honesty this challenge has not been as difficult to adhere to as I anticipated. We'll see if we end up extending the journey, but for now here's the week's consumption:

Monday, February 21

Am I crazy? Or did I really only drink four glasses of water today? Safe to say that is a "point of emphasis" going forward. I guess after burgers, pizza, shakes, etc I did not take the time to come up with a Monday meal plan, so I had to improvise. Breakfast consisted of a handful of Brazil nuts as I walked out the door (which even that small quantity seemed forced after last night). A couple of turkey meatballs throughout the day and I made it to the evening on very little consumption. I know this can't be good for the ketogenic processes necessary to this process, but man I just wasn't hungry. I forced down a Chipotle burrito bowl for dinner, and had a couple of glasses of wine before I shut it down. Another successfully miserable Monday. Thank you cheat day.

water: 4
yerba mate (2 c)
Brazil nuts (4 ea)
turkey meatballs (3 oz)
Chipotle burrito bowl
red wine (2 c)

Tuesday, February 22

You know you had a good cheat day when the hangover lasts into Tuesday as the day's consumption looks eerily similar to Monday's fast. I whipped up a quick breakfast of refried black beans, eggs and turkey bacon, so a little bit better start than yesterday. Again, I made it through most of the day without much of an appetite, so I did very little eating. I have no shame in admitting that I did another burrito bowl for dinner after a productive Town Lake loop.

water: 8 c
yerba mate (2 c)
eggs (2 ea)
refried black beans (1/2 c)
turkey bacon (2 ea)
turkey meatball (6 oz)
chipotle burrito bowl

Wednesday, February 23

I have yet to sack up and purchase groceries so it was another day of eating out for all my meals. I ate a hearty breakfast of eggs, black beans, green beans with carrots, bacon and a turkey sausage patty off of the Whole Foods hot food bar. It was so satisfyingly mediocre. I mostly just munched on some steamed vegetables through out the day (also courtesy of Whole Foods). After work it was straight in the car to our teams' second game of the season. We play our games in skanky Pflugerville, and there was seriously no time to grab anything of substance before the game. I had a couple of orange slices again (by this point, I was famished) before I was able to put down a decent meal with the entire Tats and Eyes soccer team following our 6-3 victory (2-0, no big deal). Thanks to the wonderful people at Bikini's Sports Bar and Grill, I chowed on the Honey Do Chicken:
Grilled chicken breast topped with crispy bacon, sauteed mushrooms, melted jack cheese (omitted), and honey mustard sauce, served with mashed potatoes (omitted) and mixed vegetables.

I also added a dinner salad to my order, which was delivered to me with cheese and croutons despite my request to hold them. C'mon Bikini waitress, you're better than that. I picked off the croutons, but decided that picking through the cheese would be too much of a hassle so I just took it down. Whatever, I just played soccer.

water: 12 c
coffee (2 c)
black beans (1/2 c)
green beans w/ carrot (1/2 c)
eggs (5 ea)
bacon (2 ea)
turkey sausage (2 oz)
HSH steam veg from Whole Foods (1/2 c)
[asparagus, broccoli, carrot, green bean, cauliflower]
orange slices (2 ea)
dinner salad w/ oil and vinegar (cheese)
grilled chicken w bacon, mushrooms and honey mustard sauce (8 oz)
grilled veggies (1 c)

The rest of the weekend will probably be pretty hectic as I'm making another quick trip to Houston Thursday night. It doesn't look like I'll be able to get into a kitchen so we'll just hope for the best with our decision making.

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