It was a long, busy week for sure. Between work, soccer, running, and exhaustion I hardly found the time to get down in the kitchen. Under these circumstances, the theme of the week quickly became the Chipotle burrito bowl. Without further ado, here's an epic list of this week's eating:
Monday, 2/14/11Uuuuugh! It is truly incredible the hangover you can feel after pounding a double bacon jalapeno cheese Whataburger, fries and a 32 oz strawberry malt just moments before falling asleep (read: falling into a coma). Late to work, I easily bypassed the breakfast and tried to compensate by quickly ingesting a pint of coffee. Did I mention I felt like crap all day? In fact, I only managed a snack of black beans, eggs and broccoli throughout the day until I finally found the nerve to get hungry again. The fridge bare, I leaned upon my true valentine Chipotle for a burrito bowl and a Diet Coke.
water 8 c
coffee (2 c)
black beans (1/4 c)
eggs (2 ea)
broccoli (2 oz)
Chipotle burrito bowl
Diet Coke (32 oz)
Tuesday, 2/15/11So this is what an appetite feels like. After spending much of Monday in the hurt locker, I woke up Tuesday morning with a renewed energy, ready for what the week had in store for me. A quick breakfast cup of eggs, spinach, onion, mushrooms, tomato and a little crispy pancetta and I was off to the races! My lunch/midday snack consisted only of a few large spears of grilled asparagus, but somehow I stayed satisfied throughout the afternoon. I managed to build quite an appetite following a big loop around Town Lake. Guess what I had for dinner. You guessed it! Chipotle!!! Seriously, so convenient. On a side note, I am discovering that I have a new found affinity to Diet Coke. I feel like I let my childhood down, proudly claiming all through my youth that I'd NEVER turn to that stuff. After all, it was for stupid grown ups ONLY! Jesus, I'm drinking the Kool Aid.
water 10c
coffee (2 c)
eggs (3 ea)
spinach (1/4 c)
mushrooms (1/4 c)
roma tomato (1 ea)
pancetta (2 oz)
onions (1/4 c)
asparagus (4 ea)
chipotle burrito bowl
Diet Coke (32 oz)
brazil nuts (6 ea)
Wednesday, 2/16/11
You may have noticed that the past two day's consumption has been relatively tame, consisting of little more than a cup of breakfast and a burrito bowl (plus a ton of caffeine). Well, today I broke that trend. I had a huge breakfast-in-a-cup of eggs, squash, onion, bell pepper and guacamole with my customary coffee. I munched on some peanuts and pork loin throughout the day, and I finally found the time this week to actually whip something up at home: some refried black beans (recipe coming soon). For dinner, I had an incredibly sensible dinner of spinach, arugala, and watercress with grilled chicken.
Not many people know this, but one of my secret passions is coed intramural soccer. There's nothing quite like a bunch of out of shape males and females in there late 20's huffing and puffing for a 40 minute soccer game, all the while taking the whole thing way too seriously. Tonight, we had our first soccer game of the season (
a 5-0 victory, no big deal). This whole soccer spiel was merely a segue to my next statement. Folks, I have a confession: at halftime of our game, I ate 2 orange wedges!!! There it is! It's out in the open! I cheated! I didn't even realize what I was doing until it was too late, I had annihilated those oranges like I was back in 3rd grade. Oh well, it's not really important at all. According to "the book," during/post workout is really the only acceptable time to consume a little carbohydrate energy from sugar. So don't worry, the experiment continues...
water 8 c
diet coke (24 oz)
coffee (3 c)
eggs (3 ea)
squash (1/4 c)
onion (1/4 c)
red bell pepper (1/2 c)
guacamole (1/2 c)
peanuts (1 oz)
pork loin (2 oz)
spinach (1 c)
arugala (2 c)
watercress (1/2 c)
refried black beans (1/2 c)
grilled chicken (12 oz)
orange wedges (2 ea)
Thursday, 2/17/11
A day containing a long run followed by a day with an intense game of soccer will usually lead to a decent amount of soreness, and today was NOT an exception. I woke up in a decent amount of pain, late as shit for work, and had to dart out the door without the satisfaction of a good breakfast. Luckily, I had the sense to at least grab a few Brazil nuts on my way out the door. Truth be told, I hate starting the day in a rush because I feel as though the rest of the day follows suit. I was bouncing around all day (I'm sure the coffee played a role) and managed only a few snacks throughout the day (if you consider turkey meatballs and beef brisket snacks). My ambition led me once again to Town Lake to punish myself through the pain I was feeling. After my (newly formed) standard loop, I was almost instantly hit with an insatiable hunger. I had to run a quick errand to pick up some spectacles from my good friend
Dr. Casey Packer at
Lone Star Eye, so I decided to stop into a Sprouts that I stumbled upon the way. It was my first time to step foot into a Sprouts, and I must say they have a pretty decent store. I did, however, find that my options were somewhat limited and walked out with only a bag of cashews, some hummus and a few sticks of celery and carrots to munch on. It was going to have to do for now. Though temporarily satisfying, I don't think this makeshift early dinner gave me much in the energy department. I made it home around 8:00pm and almost immediately fell asleep...for the night. I guess the past couple of days finally caught up on me. Oh well, I needed it.
water: 9 c
coffee (2 c)
brazil nuts (4 ea)
turkey meatballs (3 oz)
smoked briskekt (1 oz)
cashews (4 oz)
red pepper hummus (1/2 c)
carrots (1/2 c)
celery (1/2 c)
grape tomatoes (1/4 c)
Friday, 2/18/11
Dammit, for the second time this week I missed my 30 minute window to consume any semblance of breakfast. Despite my ten hours of sleep the night before, I woke up yet again late for work and in a rush out the door. When I finally got to sit down to breakfast nearly two hours had past since waking. My breakfast was damn delicious (special thanks to Cesar at Whole Foods Lamar): scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms, refried black beans, turkey sausage, and bacon. I had an equally satisfying lunch of arugala, spinach, and watercress topped with grilled chicken and bruscetta topping (recipe to follow) before I hopped in the car and headed to Houston for the weekend. My dinner consisted of a few more black beans topped with salsa, some marcona almonds and some sauteed vegetables consisting of onion, bell pepper, zucchini and arugala.
water: 12 c
coffee (2c)
eggs (4 ea)
refried black beans (3 c)
turkey sausage (1 c)
bacon (1 ea)
grilled chicken (12 oz)
arugala (3 c)
spinach (1/2 c)
watercress (1/2 c)
bruschetta (1/4 c)
sauteed onion, bell pepper, zucchini (1 c)
green chile puree (2 T)
marcona almonds (2 oz)
salsa (1/4 c)
Saturday, 2/19/11 
So here I am: Houston, Texas. The land of absolutely NOTHING healthy to eat. Knowing this fact, I brought a little bit of my own goods to at least start my day with. Eggs, turkey bacon and refried black beans made for a delicious breakfast to start a day of Hell (better known as helping my mother move out of her house). Luckily for me the wise people of Chipotle have infiltrated the city providing me with at least one option I can rely on. After a long day of hauling, lugging, lifting, and dropping, my family and I treated ourselves to dinner at a local chain Mexican restaurant called
Gringo's where I found comfort in a meal consisting of a rack of baby back ribs, borracho beans and a side salad. By the way, what the hell is up with putting cheese on a salad? I don't get it. Some feta? Sure. Some goat cheese? Definitely. But cheddar cheese on a salad? I will never understand.
water: 6 c
coffee (2 c)
diet coke (15 oz)
eggs (3 ea)
turkey bacon (2 ea)
refried black beans (1 c)
Chipotle burrito bowl
baby back ribs (full rack)
avocado (2 oz)
borracho beans (1/2 c)
side salad w/ italian dressing
Wow, that pretty much sums up my week. I've made it to Cheat Day 3.0, and seeing as I will still be in Houston for most of the day, I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to be for a day where the options are limitless (in a bad way). It should make for an interesting day. Stay tuned...
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